
导读 castkk: []dj: []vt 1 投,掷,抛,扔,撒he cast a stone into the river 他向河中投了一块石子。2 投射(光、影、视线等)[( at on

castkk: []dj: []vt.1. 投,掷,抛,扔,撒he cast a stone into the river.他向河中投了一块石子。2. 投射(光、影、视线等)[( at/on)]i just cast a glance at the headlines.我只是看了看标题。3. 脱落;蜕(皮);丢弃[o]the trees in the orchard cast their blossoms after the storm.暴风雨后果园里树上的花掉落了。4. (动物)早产5. 投(票);抽(签);掷(骰子)6. 选派...扮演角色,为(戏剧、角色)选派演员[( as/in)]ann was cast as the wife.安妮被选派扮演妻子的角色。7. 浇铸the statue was cast in bronze.这座雕像是用青铜铸的。8. 计算;把...加起来9. 解雇,辞退;剔除(牲畜)10. 制定;编排;分类整理vi.1. 投;抛垂钓鱼钩(或钓饵)2. 把几个数字加起来,计算he cast and balanced till midnight.他算帐算到半夜。n.1. 投;掷;抛[c]2. 撒网;垂钓[c]3. 班底,演员阵容[c][g]the cast of the play was very strong.这出戏的演员阵容非常强。4. 铸型;模子;浇铸件[c]he made a cast of a bust.他铸了一座胸像。5. 【医】固定用敷料[c]her leg was in a plastic cast.她的腿上了石膏。6. 外貌;类型;气质[the s]he was of an optimistic cast of mind.他生性乐观。
